Some Practical Tips…

Here are some helpful tips to make your practice here at the Yoga Center more enjoyable:

  • Clothing.  Wear loose, comfortable clothing … or, anything that you are comfortable moving in. It’s really a personal preference.  There is no need to buy specialized “yoga wear”.  Layers can be helpful (e.g., a tee shirt and a sweatshirt), in case your body temperature changes during the class.
  • Mats.  About half our students bring mats, and half don’t use a mat at all (partly because we have a carpeted floor). This is a personal preference. (We have extra to borrow, if yuo forget yours.)
  • Arrival.  Doors are usually open 15 mins. before class. Please try to arrive 10 or 15 mins. early to class to settle in, do your own warm-ups and stretches, etc.
    • ~ If you arrive late, that’s okay.  But if we are in our silent centering meditation in the beginning of class, come in, and sit immediately, and quietly, near the door.  Please do any unzipping, jacket removal, etc. outside the room before coming in.  And please do not lay out your mat at this time, or otherwise make noise, that will distract the other students in their meditation.
  • Shoes.  Please leave all footwear in the front entrance.  (See “Carpeting” remarks below.)
  • Hygiene/Carpeting.  We try to maintain clean carpets because students practice in bare feet, and we place our feet, hands, and even faces on or near the floor.  For this reason, please do not place used Kleenex or other unhygienic material on the floor in our practice area.
  • Health Conditions.  If you are pregnant, have any injury, or have a health condition or concern, please inform the instructor at the earliest possible time (e.g., by phone or email, or speaking before class).  Please do not come to class if you have a cold, flu, or other contagious condition.
  • Cancellations.  If you are unsure whether class will be held (e.g., due to weather issues), please contact your teacher directly (Jim is at, or check the website (  You are also welcome to call the Center (224-2183) with your inquiry, and we will do our best to call you back in a timely manner.
  • Electronics.  Please turn off cell phone, pager, etc. before entering the yoga studio, and leave with your belongings, or –better, yet — in your car.
  • Scents.  Please do not wear cologne, perfume, or other scented products — we do a lot of [deep] breath work, and many students have allergic reactions, or find such scents to be objectionable as their olfactory sensitivity increases.
  • Eating.  Avoid practicing on a full stomach.
  • Drinking.  Keep hydrated; bring a water bottle, and drink approximately 4 oz. per 1/2 hour.
  • Parking.  As of this writing, there is always free 2-hr. parking on S.State St., and free 3-hr. parking on the side streets to the west of S.State St.