Want to Lose Weight… Why?

I’m going to keep this simple: If you intend to lose weight, you have to know why. Correction … you must feel why. Let me explain:

Feelings are an essential part of our internal guidance system; they lead us to our goals. Willpower and discipline, alone, are not enough. Our success depends on something even more powerful than simply exercising more and eating less, something we often overlook in our fitness quest: desire. (Remember in Rocky when Rocky’s trainer, Mick, would shout at him, “You gotta want this, Rocky! Otherwise he’s gonna knock your head off!” Questionable use of fear, sure … but right idea.)  Desire provides the fuel to manifest all our dreams.

Sure, we all want to succeed. The problem arises when we suppress our desire, bury it inside. (In our culture, we generally avoid strong feelings of any kind.) Unfortunately, and despite discipline and good intentions, our emotional disconnect causes us to lose focus and fall short of our goals. Conversely, when we allow ourselves to actually feel our deep longings (like our pal Rocky), we are drawn to our goals, like magnets. What once seemed difficult becomes easy.  Care to try? Continue reading Want to Lose Weight… Why?